Privacy Perch creates a more private and quiet environment for birds during moulting


20 in stock (can be backordered)

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Many birds, such as canaries require privacy on the perch at night. They do not want other birds around them. The Privacy Perch is perfect to insure that they get their own space. The Privacy Perch guarantees they will not get plucked or picked on while they try to sleep. The V-Hood guarantees droppings will not fall onto the birds lower in the cage.
The Privacy Perch interlocks and stacks on top of each other where needed. Offers the maximum perching space in the least amount of cage space!
Back Plate 4 ¾” x 6 ¾” Perch 2 ½”
Weight0.20 lbs
Dimensions4 × 6 × 2 in



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