VellBrill for perfect moult


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Pineta Vell Brill, for the moult and the development of the plumage of the chicks
Gives a rich, bright and velvety plumage
Helps maintain biological balance during physiological stress caused by molting
Contains vitamins, amino acids, trace elements and minerals
Provides a high amount of methionine, an amino acid necessary for optimal plumage

Cereal grain products, yeasts, other plant products, minerals.

Use: mix well with food.
Dose: 20-30 grams per kg of food. Duration of
treatment: it is recommended to start feeding it one week
before the move. Use daily during the shedding period.


Pineta Vell Brill indicated for molting in birds
The molting of bird feathers is a process by which the bird detaches itself from those that have suffered deterioration and replaces them with others that will give it greater protection and beauty.

We can distinguish two well differentiated types of feather change: normal or physiological molt and abnormal or pathological molt.

The first usually lasts between 25 and 40 days. It should be noted that those birds that change their feathers in less time are highly likely to also be in good health.

What we have called normal shedding occurs in a staggered manner, coinciding with the hottest months, and abnormal or pathological shedding can occur in practically any season and much more abruptly.

This second type of molt is almost always accompanied by loss of appetite, general state of dejection, decreased singing, and so on.

The causes should be found in a poor diet, inadequate cage situation, sudden temperature variation and other causes that may be the cause of acute stress.

When the molt occurs, it is advisable to take certain precautions, for example the administration of vitamins (A, D and C are the most appropriate) and to provide them with foods very rich in proteins, fats and minerals.

Proteins can be provided with cooked egg yolk, or meat meal.

Vegetable fats can be given by increasing the proportion of flax, hempseed or black seeds.

There are breeders who prefer to put a small piece of bacon in the cage – naturally, without salting or smoking – and it has been shown to be very effective.

The addition of fat is proven to speed up the shedding process


20 G, 200 G


