White Past + Chia + Silymarin with 19% protein (5lbs)


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SKU: WP5LB Category:


(Nursery) Soft White with 19% protein enriched with Silymarin extract and Chia seed. Thanks to its excellent attractiveness, while Silymarin and chia protect mature and nesting bodies. Suitable for canaries, finches and all cereal birds.

It is a soft and white paste, does not contain carotenoids and does not change the natural color of the plumage. Has a balance of
nutrients and is essential for a complete and balanced diet. It is very attractive and above all digestible, it contains yeast, vegetable and animal proteins.

Recommended use:

Ideal for preparing females for the breeding, maintenance and molting period. Balanced formula recommended year-round for maximum balance and well-being.

Maintenance nutrition for breeding White Past CRIA – White paste for nursery.

The White Past CRIA white puree is made by Pineta Zootecnici and has a balanced formulation to ensure an adequate supply of nutrients during the breeding period to cover the nutritional needs of the offspring.

Being a white food, it is formulated with “neutral ingredients that do not add color to the plumage, avoiding the annoying problem of color infiltration in artificially colored birds such as some canaries.

For this reason, CRIA White Past Purees are mixed with artificial coloring to enhance and intensify the color of the plumage.

Puree for growing White Past Cria

The composition of White Past Cria nutrition is designed to provide the grower or hobbyist with high-quality feed with high nutritional value. White Past CRIA soft white food is rich in vitamins, minerals and trace elements and has a protein percentage of 19% and a fat content of 13%.

This food can already be used in the period of preparation for reproduction, possibly with the addition of nutritional supplements that help improve fertility and reproductive capacity, such as Antisteril and Calcium D3 – Powder.

During the breeding period and therefore also when the chicks are present, it is essential to feed this feed daily, which should never be missed until full weaning and the beginning of molting.

The most attentive breeders prefer to supplement the feed with proteins, probiotics and vitamins that are especially useful to improve the growth process and thus accelerate weaning, improve the structure and resistance of the chick.

Weight5.5 lbs
Dimensions12 × 8 × 3 in





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